hide and sheep: "I'm pretty. Oh so pretty"


"I'm pretty. Oh so pretty"

Hellllllo ladies!

Who's sick of bad cuts? I am. I'm so frigging sick of them.

Luckily, being the brains behind (note the unintended alliteration please) Hide and Sheep makes bad cuts a thing of the past! No more vest-beater's that cut your arm at the most unflattering place and provide ample opportunity for sweat marks.
No way!
So I'm making us special crop tops that are amazing. They have baby sleeves (short sleeved, but that just sounds politically incorrect, as everything does these days..) and a scoop neck and swagger 101.

They're great.

There're going to be five cream-coloured ones and five grey ones. Viscose cotton blend and very very nice material so far.

My seamstress is busy making the test run so as soon as she's done I'll be bragging on here. And everywhere.
I'm so excited! Yew!

Like this, but more loose and with shorter sleeves.

Go and like it on Facebook!

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