hide and sheep: 2012



Dear you dear-people-who-read-this-blog

Firstly, as you know, I love you and your perseveringness.

This blog will still be bloggy, on occasions like this!

This is to celebrate a yawn I drew one long weekend of a law seminar.

There were speeches by famous rockstar lawyers and I was loving it and drawing them...and the next thing I knew here she was - this tired little girl with curls.

I'm sure she represents the near-end of the year for us all...
And while we may be tired and over 2012 - just look how damn cute she is.

And appreciate her.



I've just been living too hard, clearly.

And my blog has grown cobwebs in the meantime.

Here's to bring you up to speed with drawings and Hide and Sheep and other lovely nonsense.


Bad outweighs good

#2 illustration for The July Issue (I actually have forgotten what the magazine is called, in all honesty).

I've had a good-outweighing-bad weekend. Against this drawing. Hope you have too.

Illustration #1: Cereal

This is the first in a series of drawings I've done for this UCT-based magazine called 'Zine'.
This is an illustration of a girl from the script, Cereal.

Keep your eyes peeled on campus for hard copies!


I haven't written in a while. I'm sorry!

Things have been hectic on this side, what with going to the Grahamstown Festival and then Vac Work and then finding a lift back to plett at 11am, and taking it at 1.

So I'm home. I've started catching up on sleep and happily realising I still have a while to go before I have to go to work work. Every. Single. Day.

I suited up every morning this week, and this drawing is to remind myself of collared shirts and glasses and pin-striped suits and strutting up St Georges Mall to the High Court to file something...and then strut-strut-strutting all the way back down.

The life of a lawyer is not nearly as glamorous as I'd hoped. And work clothes? They're still pretty damn average.

But the smile? It's there. I had such a great time!


Climb Us!

To miss and reminisce.
I love Plett.
I have best friends here.
I grew up here.
I had/have play dates here.

But I miss Cape Town.
This is a little tribute to Cape Town and its glorious mountains (Table Mountain and Lion's Head).

Keep that city safe for me while I'm gone! xxx



This is Knot.
She's just your quirky inverted face, wishing you an quirky inverted day!
(Not that I know what that even means).


Golden Boy

#3 on exhibition at Lola's.

Happy holidays!
May your hair be curly and your cheeks be rosy.

Snuggle up!



IT'S HOLIDAY TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have a great one.
I know I'm going to.

(This is #2 in the series of stuff up at Lola's.)



And so I begin to introduce everyone to our exhibition at Lola's.
First up?

I hope you have a fantastic weekend.
I sure will.


Everyone who doesn't read this blog (I should do shout-outs for the handful of people I know who actually do. Hi mum!) is going to think I misspelt 'salute'. 

I didn't.
This is 'hi', or 'salut'. Fancy and French.

That's all I can give you right now.
Anything more and I will be telling you all about law. And I will bore you to death.

Have a great weekend.
Love Jessie


More bad photos of good exhibitions: Lola's

So Lola's is sporting our exhibition for two months!
The exhibition's called 'A-Head'.
And all the subject matter is....heads.

So get on down to the Long(est) Street in Cape Town.
You won't be disappointed by their scrumptious food, and hey! You might even dig some of the art.



This just makes me happy.
I don't know what it is, only that it's called Spinach.

It's things like this that keep me going through the exam-learning that has begun. Hope it tweaks a cheek on your side too!


Everyone needs them.

Hope yours are as cool as mine!


Midweek madness

It's Wednesday.
I have three assignments for Monday.
I haven't finished any.
This is exactly how my head feels.

The library is a-calling!


It was my sister's graduation last week. I didn't go, I was too busy working on my own law degree.
But I did go for the celebratory dinner for it- at Asoka.
What an amazing place, for an amazing person.

Here's her favourite poem to mark the occasion, by William Blake:

TIGER, tiger, burning bright 
In the forests of the night, 
What immortal hand or eye 
Could frame thy fearful symmetry? 
In what distant deeps or skies         5
Burnt the fire of thine eyes? 
On what wings dare he aspire? 
What the hand dare seize the fire? 
And what shoulder and what art 
Could twist the sinews of thy heart?  10
And when thy heart began to beat, 
What dread hand and what dread feet? 
What the hammer? what the chain? 
In what furnace was thy brain? 
What the anvil? What dread grasp  15
Dare its deadly terrors clasp? 
When the stars threw down their spears, 
And water'd heaven with their tears, 
Did He smile His work to see? 
Did He who made the lamb make thee?  20
Tiger, tiger, burning bright 
In the forests of the night, 
What immortal hand or eye 
Dare frame thy fearful symmetry?


Lebanese Machine

I have absolutely no idea what this is.


Family Tree (TV On The Radio).

To make it short and snappy...this is a Family Tree, much like the song by TV On The Radio (take a listen!).

Basically, music unites everyone. And suddenly you're a family. Just like that.
Or maybe I just thought it looks cool. Who knows?!
Happy Sunday!



I have a bike, I say.
Then I have to rephrase quickly...I have a bicycle.

Bicycles are great- they get you from au pairing to res, they save petrol and get you hot legs in the process.

Want a good way to reduce your Carbon Footprint?


Ikeys supporter vests

I love UCT.
It's a great varsity.
With great spirit.
And great rugby.

What better combo than (finally) a rugby supporter vest that I wouldn't rather be dead than seen wearing?

Here we go UCT. That's R150. Profits to GCI.

(Order on our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/hideandsheep)


Tuesday's Tjing Tjing Market

It was the Together creative market at Tjing Tjing on Tuesday.

Hide and Sheep spent hours upon hours planning the stall and a very tiring Saturday night in Durbanville constructing to the point of the police coming to check why the garage door was still open at 2am. A huge thanks to Amy Sephton and Stella Theron- they are art students who make dreams come true.

So because Hide and Sheep is an interactive T-shirt brand, what other way is there except that our stall be interactive?
Which explains the jars.

Three jars of water, three bottles of food colouring. Three pipettes. Three designs to choose from. Three red, blue and yellow ribbons- one for each design.
Your choice. One pipette, one drop, one vote.

People decided that Squirrowl was the winner, followed by F My Left and then Birds of a Feather.
Look below if you don't believe me.

We even ended up selling F My Left- in French. What better sign of a successful market than selling art in French? Nothing I tell you. An overall success!

The blue is the closest to the food colouring's colour. So it wins!
Birds of a Feather (yellow- third).

 F My Left (red- second).
Squirrowl (blue- first and the next H&S print!)


Eye Heart Ewe.

There's corny stuff floating around today. I needed to add to it.

Happy Valentines Day!


Hands on.

Packing. Airports. Unpacking. Packing. Res. Registration. Getting stock. Delivering stock. Delivering more stock. Coffee. Coffee. Mad night at Assembly. More coffee. 
Hands on. Hands off.


I'm in Durban.

And I leave to Cape Town tomorrow.
So in anticipation of this here's a good old squirrel because what Capetonian suburb is complete without one?


In commemoration of the Chinese New Year, the year of the water dragon, I dedicate this: the cousin of dragon and just as freakishly big and cool (except for the unsatisfactory lack of fire-blowing)...
The dinosaur.

Not just any dinosaur, the dinosaur for Chinese everywhere, and more specifically, for my friend Cynnie.