hide and sheep



Dear you dear-people-who-read-this-blog

Firstly, as you know, I love you and your perseveringness.

This blog will still be bloggy, on occasions like this!

This is to celebrate a yawn I drew one long weekend of a law seminar.

There were speeches by famous rockstar lawyers and I was loving it and drawing them...and the next thing I knew here she was - this tired little girl with curls.

I'm sure she represents the near-end of the year for us all...
And while we may be tired and over 2012 - just look how damn cute she is.

And appreciate her.



I've just been living too hard, clearly.

And my blog has grown cobwebs in the meantime.

Here's to bring you up to speed with drawings and Hide and Sheep and other lovely nonsense.


Bad outweighs good

#2 illustration for The July Issue (I actually have forgotten what the magazine is called, in all honesty).

I've had a good-outweighing-bad weekend. Against this drawing. Hope you have too.

Illustration #1: Cereal

This is the first in a series of drawings I've done for this UCT-based magazine called 'Zine'.
This is an illustration of a girl from the script, Cereal.

Keep your eyes peeled on campus for hard copies!


I haven't written in a while. I'm sorry!

Things have been hectic on this side, what with going to the Grahamstown Festival and then Vac Work and then finding a lift back to plett at 11am, and taking it at 1.

So I'm home. I've started catching up on sleep and happily realising I still have a while to go before I have to go to work work. Every. Single. Day.

I suited up every morning this week, and this drawing is to remind myself of collared shirts and glasses and pin-striped suits and strutting up St Georges Mall to the High Court to file something...and then strut-strut-strutting all the way back down.

The life of a lawyer is not nearly as glamorous as I'd hoped. And work clothes? They're still pretty damn average.

But the smile? It's there. I had such a great time!


Climb Us!

To miss and reminisce.
I love Plett.
I have best friends here.
I grew up here.
I had/have play dates here.

But I miss Cape Town.
This is a little tribute to Cape Town and its glorious mountains (Table Mountain and Lion's Head).

Keep that city safe for me while I'm gone! xxx



This is Knot.
She's just your quirky inverted face, wishing you an quirky inverted day!
(Not that I know what that even means).